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What is the difference between coaching and counseling?

While coaches can be catalysts for personal development and lend support in achieving life goals, we are not licensed mental health professionals. Our scope of practice can overlap with some elements of counseling as both professions help clients improve quality of life. For example, as a Health Coach I can support a client's weight loss journey or other wellness goals. While a licensed mental health professional would support a similar client with anxiety, depression, or an eating disorder that might be present. Both professions highly recommend and work with mindfulness practices. Journaling is another great healing tool both professions incorporate. Coaches and counselors can often be a great team in supporting one's healing, growth, and wellness journey.

How long will I need to participate in coaching before I feel better?

If you truly apply yourself and trust the process you will likely experience a significant shift in about three months. I recommend taking a break then and putting to practice what you will have learned. Months later you will likely find a desire to continue the inner work and want to address another aspect of your journey. I don't sugar coat this process. You will likely feel worse before you feel better. We will be processing your significant emotional life events and losses. Only you know how deep those run. Consider this...would you rather live in acute emotional pain with my support for twelve weeks or in chronic pain for the rest of your life? I truly believe in the power of healing for good and I know you can do this hard work. You are worth it!

What can I expect to happen in a coaching session?

My coaching approach involves self-reflection with some written homework exercises between sessions. It's really about narrating the story of your life with your cast of characters. Each of your characters have had an influence on your life and development. Can you name the ways each have contributed to or undermined the expression of your authentic, awesome self? What what?! You think I'm awesome? Yes! We all are. We were born awesome. Our life's losses or trauma experiences block our capacity to connect to and remember this truth. We all have an authentic Self that is filled with qualities of calmness, curiosity, compassion, courage, confidence, clarity, connectedness, and creativity. Anxiety and depression can be adaptations to trauma. When trauma is healed at the nervous system level, Parts become unburdened and are able to relax and no longer need to continue their extreme roles in keeping you safe.

Why are you not on social media?
  1. I finally no longer give a shit how many people like me (oops, now you've met my Sexy Sailor Part).

  2. I believe social media causes significant emotional distress to many, especially for those of us who live with anxiety and depression.

  3. Healing from life's losses requires safety and connection.

  4. My coaching approach may or may not work for you, which is why I offer a 30-minute get acquainted session to confirm we're a good match in working together. My business model remains open to receiving one heart at a time. I trust the ripple effect and personal referrals.

How much do you charge?

Rates are determined on a sliding scale ranging from $25 to $75 per 50-minute session. For example, if you make $45K per year, the suggested rate is $45 per session. We may adjust the rate based on additional circumstances. If we're a good fit in working together, I trust we'll arrive at a fair rate without adding financial burden.


Please reflect on these questions as you prepare for our time together:


  • Are you ready to put yourself first and prioritize feeling better?

  • Will you show up to our coaching sessions on time and prepared?

  • Can you accept grace and my compassion knowing something might arise within you and we need to process together in session slowly and delicately?

  • Are you open to exploring with curiosity how your body might be holding onto some emotionally charged experiences within your story? It can be easy to cognitively tell our story, but deep healing occurs when we allow our body to share its somatic experiences as well. True mind/body/soul healing needs integration.


"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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